We all Hate Mondays

So the week starts again, and up I get at 05:30 so I can ready myself for ( what is likely to be ) a dull day at work.

I spend my trip into London typing up the weekends' blogs, so I can finish off the shenanigans, only later to be told that I need to spend more time on the blogs, as I have too many typos. Sorry Siddie. I use an iPhone, and although it is a good toy it isn't the best way to write up a few paragraphs. Siddie, of course being a linguist will have it all correct 1st time.

So Monday is here and yes the day at work is dull, with a short, bright, lunch break, chatting to the cellar man at the local. He was completely wrong as he said we wouldn't like Quadhop, as I'm afraid I did.

So today's beer is Quadhop by Downton brewery, at a pleasant 3.9%. A very light coloured ale, with a very dry and slightly bitter aftertaste, a lovely summer ale. Definitely something I'd happily drink again so a 6 out of 10.
