New Forest Show

I was at the new forest show with my country bumpkin sister. My brother-in-law was attesting to the merits of cider. Now I'm not a cider drink I find it way to acidic, but I'm with my family and don't want to appear rude.

As I'm led to a cider stall (about 10am - isn't this too early) the sun is shinning and it's a glorious day. Being a country show we pass pigs, sheep's cows, and other such animals. I much more used to seeing these in the butchers, but these are alive and fine looking specimens.

I turn round and my brother-in-law has a pint of yellowy orange liquid in a plastic glass , and with a big grin he says 'you'll like this'.

Now I have to say it was cider and not too bad to drink. I have no idea where he bought it so I have no photo's, but because I'm a professional I did drink the stuff, even if my wife did describe it as urine looking.  Now this drinking cider continued  for some time, and with all the sun I had some sun burn.

When I awoke this morning I could still taste the apples, and I find out this potion I'd been drinking was no less than 7% alcohol, which explains the slightly misty afternoon, and my dry mouth this morning.

So I'd mark the unknown cider as a 4 - mainly for my bright red arms and my glowing red head, combined with the 12 hour lingering apple taste on my buds. I'd much rather drink ale, in the tent in the shade than the ropey old cider in the sun..

Next real drinking stop the Great British Beer Festival (GBBF) on 9th August.
