Grand Prix

With our guest from the west, we were suddenly at the local ale house before I knew what was happening today. Addie had held us up as usual by being unready and always having to finish some piece of irrelevant nothing that he has his hands in. Then, in a sudden flurry of activity, we were off. So organised, so professional, the crack team of beer reporters in full effect. No wonder we never get anything done.

AF Grand Prix by Cottage Brewing, at 4.3% is a sensible beer for a lunchtime pint which comes across almost as a porter or a stout. It has a near creamy head which lasted throughout the pint, and is dark and mellow, with deep beery flavours and a pleasant aftertaste. I'm more of a conventional bitter man, but good stuff nonetheless. 6 out of 10.

So by the time I finish writing this we may well be off on our next assignment. Or maybe it'll take days before the muse hits. That's the wild roller coaster of our lives.

Addie, will you please stop snoring and take your head off the desk? You're dribbling on your keyboard. Sigh.
