Giggly new year.

Rudgate Winter's Ale at 4.0% wins the privilege (dubious I know) of being my first-reviewed beer of 2013. It came as something of a surprise; I was beavering away on another project when, out of the blue, someone who is neither Addie, nor Heath, nor Mr Windy, nor anyone else you know, said: "Let's go for a pint."

Now, as you know I'm not usually one for a drink, but far be it from me to cause anyone offence. I reluctantly pulled on my coat and off we went.

And what a session it was! We worked our way along every pump at the bar (there are six, each with a guest ale ready to spring forth and satiate one's raging thirst). The consequence of this was a hard stare from Mrs Nam when I got home, giggling and needing to visit the men's room. Again.

Rudgate was my favourite of the bunch. A classic winter ale as advertised, medium dark and malty, with some sort of spicy thing going on in the background. Inoffensive and enjoyable, we had two of these. 7 out of 10. Hic! Happy new year!

Now if Addie ever returns, I might even buy him one.
