The Meaning of Life the Universe and Everything

Busy, busy, busy. We made lunch today at 2pm, not a bad thing since I got to work late today. We also have guests today, Nobby the Northerner and Sonny from the West.

This caused all sorts of difficulties, which Siddie and I don't normally have. What beer shall we have? This seems like a relatively simple question but today this seemed to take forever. When we finally decided on a good choice, our visitors ordered their food before getting the beers in, now what's all that about?

You'd think Siddie and I spend our time supping our beers discussing the merits of, the colour, clarity, smell and taste of the beer, but this just isn't true. Topics are wide and varied. From the theory of relativity, to photos of drips in the sink. We touch on important topics like, should smoking be allowed in bars, Rachel Weisz last acting role (indeed if the acting is important at all), , why cyclists don't stop at red lights and why on earth someone has sat in your seat on the train (we all know that we get on the same train every day and that seat is mine).

Oh no, today we have guests, and we talk management charts, policies, budgets and staffing levels. Dull dull dull. In fact the highlight has to be the discussion about the second pint, with the different managers all having their own views and each of them having to be right.

So whilst I like the idea of discussing the Chinese latest space trip to the international space station, the Olympic rings on Tower bridge or the light show for the opening of the Shard, all I can really enjoy is the beer.

The first pint was from the Mighty Oak brewery called Juggernaut coming in at 4.6%. Nobby started off by complaining that there was no head on his beer so couldnt possibly be real ale. However this is a really nice pint it has a certain nose about it and the flavour followed true to the smell, I can't put my finger on what it actually was, but I liked it, this is a well rounded beer. I'd mark 7 out of 10.

The second pint was from Cottage brewing called Full Steam Ahead coming in at 4.2%.

Sonny helpfully tells us 'I like this beer'. Thanks Sonny. Not clear, but opaque as opposed to cloudy. No nose that i could determine but a slightly smokey taste (but not full on smoke). A good quaffable beer. I preferred the first so I'll mark this a 6 out of 10.
