
With Addie in reflective mood, I decided to join him (at his invitation) on the longish walk to an old haunt of his and drink a toast to the memory of his late father (it's the anniversary of his father's death today). Addie and his dad once drank a regular beer in today's watering hole, and on a warm day the prospect of a nice walk seemed pleasant.

The London streets were teeming with workers and pre-Olympic tourists. I don't know about Addie, but I like London like this, bustling and alive.

We had a pint of the Caledonian Brewery's Flying Scotsman (4%). Drinkable but dull, with a darkish colour but an otherwise uninspiring, almost earthy flavour. Drinkable but unremarkable to my mind: 4/10.

So, to the memory of Addie Stone senior. Cheers!
