Working from Home

On Tuesday Siddie was unable to come into work as his son was sick. We live in a civilised world so this is clearly acceptable. Parents from time to time have to stay at home and look after the little'ns until they are better. Being a father I understand this, and it usually happens when there is some big important meeting at work, that you really have to attend. Children of course don't understand corporate timetable and you just have to look after them.

Fortunately the company we work in allows working from home, they provide laptops and the security widgets that we need to connect to work and be productive. In the case of a sick child, we can then work from home whilst administering paracetamol and waiting for the smiles and laughter to return. This is what Siddie has been doing for the last day.

I have subsequently read Siddie's blog entry and suddenly I'm not so sure. Whilst his little darling has been ill, he has been to the supermarket to do the weekly shop and whilst out - no doubt - had his hair done, booked his next holiday and picked out some jewellery for his wife. Working from home ????

So whilst Siddie is hard at it, Mr Windy and two men from the south ( side of our office ) went out for lunch to discuss the hot topics of the day.

The first was Toppers Mild by Weltons brewery at 4.0%. A lovely mild, a good dark color, with a smooth silky flavour.I rather liked this one so a 7 for me.

The second topic was Eurohop by Downton brewery 4.4% very light ale, fruity bitter flavour, no lingering aftertaste. To start with I thought this was a pleasant session beer, but as I worked my way through the pint hints of a sour aftertaste hit me. So a good start but poor finish. I would drink it again, but in small amounts, so I'll mark this a 5.
