Fizzy falls flat

Addie is so exhausted by having to use a keyboard for real English that he has had to take a break, contenting himself with an admirably decadent beer with his breakfast at the airport. He's all class, that man. In his absence, I was invited to join an old friend in a bar I don't usually frequent.

Sadly it was something of a silly modern bar which didn't have any ales at all. It was fizzy lagery stuff. Or Guinness. Don't get me wrong, I have no fundamental objection to any beer, and Guinness can at least boast a proud history. But a bit of choice would be nice.

I was hot, so went for a pint of Peroni. Perfectly nice for a draft lager and I did enjoy it. But it's not an interesting little number in a barrel from a little brewery in the country somewhere is it? Poncey modern pubs take note; get a couple of pumps installed, will you?! Or I'm going to start naming and shaming! Grr!
