Drunken Disorderly

Now, blogging about beer is a serious business, so I apologise profusely for any unnecessary nincompoopery which may occur in tonight's post. The thing is that Nobby Northerner was paying us a visit, he had to get his train home, so were obliged to drink four very quick pints. We decided to head for London's West End, and an occasional haunt called The Coal Hole on The Strand. Despite its touristy location, it actually sells real beer; although it's not cheap.

The problem? Two of these pints were plus 5% beers; and that has made us silly and giggly. I now have no idea what I'm going to blog about, although I now have Addie to compete with. He has a shiny new iPhone 5 (already -- the nerdy geek), so will be competing to out-blog me. I'm blogging while inebriated and under pressure. What chance do I have?

Out of four beers, I only recorded the first. It was Thornbridge Jaipur, at a silly 5.9%. Ridiculously strong, and tasting like it was full of citrus zest, it was nice but would be hard work on a long session. Addie was less keen, but I quite liked it and will award it six out of ten.

A later beer was another mad one. It was strong, and tasted like a chocolate orange in a glass. I can't be doing with these; my colleagues admired it for what it was; I however would rather pay to die. It got me drunk in an enjoyment-free way; two out of ten for me. Luckily I didn't catch its name and can't bad-mouth it further. But here's a pikkie. Avoid! What do you think Addie?
