It's been a tough week at work and when I suggest to Mr Windy that we should have lunch, he grabs the opportunity. Siddie is in an important business meeting, so his lunchtime is pre-occupied with some techie widget or dongle.
The bar we go to has a beer menu on the tables listing all the ales they are selling and what is due on soon. This is all too clever for Mr Windy and I, so we pick the one with the best name.
So we had a pint of Old Growler from Nethergate brewery coming in at 5%. Full flavour porter, strong malty taste, and a slight kick at the back of the throat (although this may be because I have a bit of a cold). A touch too strong for my palate, but pleasant none the less. 6 out of 10.
The bar we go to has a beer menu on the tables listing all the ales they are selling and what is due on soon. This is all too clever for Mr Windy and I, so we pick the one with the best name.
So we had a pint of Old Growler from Nethergate brewery coming in at 5%. Full flavour porter, strong malty taste, and a slight kick at the back of the throat (although this may be because I have a bit of a cold). A touch too strong for my palate, but pleasant none the less. 6 out of 10.
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