Bloody Noses and Birthdays

After what can be only described as a dreadful week at work last week, I was full of hope that this Monday would bring new hope and joy in the work place.

I brought some doughnuts in to share amongst the team which brought some smiles into the workplace.

Siddie should be able to help with the feel good factor as today is a special day for Siddie, as he is one year older than he was before. This would suggest he should have his card behind the bar and be buying everyone a drink. So where is Siddie?

No one knows, a quick text and it turns out he is off to the doctors, his nose won't stop bleeding - apparently. Now I'm not sure if this is because of his age, or just Mrs. Nam is fed up with him and punched him on the nose (maybe there is a leaky tap or something that needs fixing at home and the doctors is a ruse for a day out of the office). Whatever it is Siddie was no-where to be seen, and no doubt will regale us with tales of his bravery when he can be bothered to make it into work.

So today Mr Windy had a lager, whilst I feasted myself on a pint of FireFly by O'Halons at 3.7%. This is a hoppy and very sour bitter. Interesting to drink, but not a session beer. 6 out of 10 from me.

Siddie, I'm sure, will blog again at some point, until then I'll do my best to keep abreast of the local brews, with a trip to Sambrooks and the Woking beer festival in the very near future.
